Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Lost in Space

So I have disappeared for some time. I managed not to write anything during October and November. I thought I should, for that's the meaning of a blog anyway, but then the thought didn't materialise.
It has been a period of stagnation and swimming like a fly in milk, hoping that I would eventually walk on butter.
I have kept myself busy with courses from Coursera. I just loved the course about Greek and Roman Mythology (and finished the course with distinction). There is still the course about Global History, to which I should dedicate even more time - the back log of lectures is getting impressive. -- So here is sort of a new start.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fetih 1453

I am following a course on World History 1300 - 1900, offered by Princeton University and taught by professor  Jeremy Adelman.
One of the classmates found drew attention to a Turkish movie about the Ottoman's conquest of Constantinople in 1453. I got interested and decided to watch the movie.
I would like to say something positive about this movie. It is interesting, but it also fails decisively on many aspects. The movie starts in the 627 in Medina. There Mohammed pronounces that one day the city of Constantinople certainly will fall.  An eagle then flies across time and space and lands in Adrianopolis. We see young Mehmed and his friend Hasan, busy engaged in sword fighting. We learn also that Mehmet has some daddy issues.
People with deep knowledge about this time have doubted the accuracy of these historical reconstructions. Indeed the makers of the film should have used some of their budget to consult a historian. For a wider audience this will be their vision of this particular time and so they should care -- prodesse et delectare. These two can easily be combined by a skilled filmmaker.
Once he is in the power, Mehmed sees in a vision (or is it a nightmare?) Osman, the founder of the Ottoman dynasty who encourages him to conquer Constantinople. And this will be his concern now.
However, there is already another emperor in Constantinople. He, Constantine XI, is particularly hostile against the Ottomans, which is not very surprising as the Ottomans had conquered much of what used to be the Byzantine Empire. To call this process 'the spread of the Ottoman Empire' seems to be a blunt euphemism. This spreading was, needless to say, the result of attacks, wars and battles. While we see crusaders butchering around, mutilating women and children, the Ottomans never engage in such cruelty. They are, on the contrary, heroic fighters. And they fight against vicious morons...
These battle scenes may attract viewers, but for me this computer-generated war is rather boring. And these animations are not really well done. There is no fire without smoke, but here we have a lot of fire without burning.
 We get a hint of the Ottoman's technological superiority, although the director decided not to elaborate on that theme.
The most spectacular strategic decision is merely hinted at. Mehmed decided to drag his ships behind the Byzantine defense lines. We see only a brief sequence in bad cgi-footage.
These things may be known to Turkish viewers, but greater emphasis on these themes might have given an international audience a better insight into the Ottoman's achievements.
At last we arrive at May 29, 1453. The Ottomans fire their cannons and boom the defense wall cracks. I think they managed to enter the city through an unlocked gate, but such an action doesn't have mythological qualities.
The end should have been silence - but here it is nasty propaganda. The sacking of Constantinople never occured. Mehmed sees the body of the dead emperor Constantine and orders him to be buried according to Christian rites. This is to shown the Ottoman's tolerating other belief-systems. However, the body of the emperor was never found.
Then Mehmed finds the frightened women, children and old people in the cathedral. He tells not to be afraid, from now they will live peacefully together (of course, as there nothing left of the Byzantine Empire to conquer). A girl that was weeping before, now smiles to dear uncle Mehmed.
History happened. This seems to be a half-fictional account that sometimes has parallels from history. If you omit central features, you falsify history and build mythology instead. -- Maybe this is why the present prime minister of  Turkey is said to have liked this movie.
I give it two good-will points, so that it ends up with 4/10.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tro om igen - et lalleprogram fra Danmarks Radio

Samtale fremmer forståelse - sådan hed det engang i en reklame for et mobilselskab.
Indenfor Danmarks Radio hedder det derimod: Samtale skaber fordummelse.
Sådan et program er "Tro om igen". Det skal skabe forståelse og det er sådan set fint nok. Men det skaber meget lidt forståelse når den empirisk opfattede realitet gang på gang bliver affærdiget som en myte og et glansbillede skal forestille at være realitet.
Så ender det sædvanligvis med, at begge skærmeklovne konkluderer med smil og enighed og så er alt godt.
Eller er det?
For eksempel i går. Der hev fru Khankan Matthæus 10, vers 34 frem og konkluderede triumferende at kristendommen også et "sværdvers". Ja, det er rigtigt, Jesus sagde godt nok 'sværd', men meningen er totalt hen i skoven. Og det kan man se, når man læser videre. Man behøver ikke engang være skriftklog for at se det. Hvorfor påtaler sekretæren for det Danske Bibelselskab ikke fru Khankans sludder? Til gengæld lader han, som om hendes tydning ikke kan afvises og tilføjer noget pladder og kristendommens kærlighedsbudskab for øvrigt. Hvor plat - og hvor gennemskueligt.
Pladder - pladder - pladder --- det er Danmarks Radios speciale.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Nepal (day 9 -13)

I am still alive, although this blog hasn't been for a while. I wish I could claim writing blockage or something prestigious like that - but in my case it was sheer laziness.
So I left on the high way waiting for the bus to Pokhara.
We didn't have a ticket, but that turned out not to be a problem, as there were lots of busses - with and withiout schedule.At first we were placed in a mini-bus, but then the driver decided that six persons were not enough, however our decison was that we were not in the mood to wait any more. So we looked for another bus and there were plenty with immediate departure. First there was a leneittlr fight, as another driver thought we should drive with him instead, but then we departed.
Again it was nice to see a new part of Nepal, although the scenary was no longer so stunning; to compensate the road was at places extremely bad. Again it was remarkable how many people survive by selling things, be it salted cucumber, cooled water or fresh apples. I guess, this is merely an illusion of the authentic Nepal. The situation right and left of the highway is probably not comparable to the life as it would be in the villages.
After some hours we arrived in Pokhara.
First step to find accomodation. Lake Phewa is, of course, the magnet for tourists. I was carefully hidden, so that the price stayed reasonable. At first a taxi driver recommended cabins, which, indeed, were close to the Lake, but then it was decided that we would prefer accomodation at another place. Indeed we found a place that had a view to the Lake at one side. Mount "Fishtail" was also visible -- a Room with a View!
So the exploring started. The hotel was at guest house level, the bath tub looked like a mess, toilet looked like a very delicate structure and warm water would be available on demand. Let it be - I don't want to have a place with astericks.
The main road is filled with diverse shops and restaurants. I liked to taste the world - pizza I can find everywhere and don't need it here. So Tibetan food got a chance, like the kitchen of the Gurung people.
The next day a tourist guide would lead us around, altogether it were, eight places.
They included a temple (WITHOUT the admonition that non-Hindus should keep out!). Then there were different caves. One had bats hanging on the wall, another one an idol with application of tikka and another one located a temple. However access to the deepest part of that cave was barred. All caves were awfully dark (and slippery).
Two sites were dedicated to water - an impressive waterfall and a gauge.
And there were two museums. Being a peaceful guy, I left out the museums of Gurkhas. It could have been nice to see how the museum was arranged, but the money they demand from foreigners was just too much for my tiny bit of interest for this particular subject. We did, however, visit the local museum which contained a blend of anthropology and ethnology, thus information how people live. Unfortunately the arrangement was not very good, in spite of some nice attempts.
This day ended with boating on the lake. We arrived the temple on the island inside just before closing time and we could enjoy the sunset on the water.
This is like a summary, yeah - I could give a more detailed account on the basis of all the pics which still are on my laptopp.
Next day was dedicated to biking. But there were some initial start-up difficulties. First we lost each other. then one bike broke down, then another one and yhen we started to mount Nagarkot. The map says that it is about 1500 meters high. This doesn't sound like much, but when you start from about 100 above zero, the slope is still impressive. This is the place for paragliders - it might even be their paradise. On top of the mountain it was very peaceful - the absence of traffic makes a difference. I wasn't prepared for the sun and by now I was about to be grilled - from rare to well-done.
I felt that in the afternoon when we were at another lake in the afternoon, bigger in size but with fewer attractiions. The sun seemed to come from everywhere -- and I am not complaining about the sun, just making a statement.
The next morning,, Wednesday, we took an early bus back to Kathmandu, where we were greeted by rain. That's why I enjoy the sun as long as it lasts. For me it's almost always a peripheral phenomenon. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Nepal (day 8 - 9) -- Manakamana

Early in the morning of July 6 we got up. The destination of the day was Manakamana, a village on top of a hill with a famous temple. The bus was to leave at 7 a.m., so we had every reason to get up early.
This was my first trip to the western part of Nepal, so I was to watch scenery, which I had never seen before. The trip took about four hours, which seems to be a lot for a distance of about 100 km. However, it takes almost one hour to get out of overcrowded Kathmandu. Then starts the highway. The term highway was to be taken literally; it is a way that runs high. The street is narrow, on one side the mountain on the other the abyss.So highway is not used in the American way; this highway is more like a country road, that can with some luck give room for two vehicles.
However, it also gives spectacular views, as it runs along with Trisuli River.
Breath-taking view on river Trisuli from the bus

At around 11 am we arrived at our destiny. Before people had to walk up the hill and that took them maybe 3 to 4 hours, now there is a cable car. Nepal's only cable car. The height difference is more than 1000 m; the distance is about 3 km.
Here I got my first of many unpleasant encounters. I am here as a tourist, which means a cow that you can milk. And now, these cows are not at all holy. So I had to pay around 3 times the amount an ordinary ticket will cost. 15 $ is never the equivalent of 450 NPR.
However, the trip up the hill was simply stunning. Slowly the busy road disappears in the air gliding all the way up - a marvellous experience, like being in the Alps without the need to ski.
On the hilltop we needed to find a guest house. The owner of Hotel Sunrise is probably the most unfriendly owner of a hotel on the spot, may he is even the most unfriendly hotel owner of all Nepal. In spite of his sleazy manner we installed ourselves there, but since we didn't want to eat at his place, we were simply kicked out: Leave my hotel immediately! We were happy to oblige.
Another hotel was more friendly and also cheaper - Mountain Top it was called. Wanted to remember it, but now I am no longer sure, as I only fixed the sleazy guy in my memory. From that hotel there is a direct view to the temple.
they say that goddess Manakamana can grant you every wish. So I was prepared for a longer talk with the goddess, but also here they have the sign: Only for Hindus. They think I may have had a cow for breakfast, but they cannot know if I am a vegetarian -- they simply judge me by the face. Hindu Priests are then like racists and I will never respect this attitude. Hinduism is a f***ing exclusive religion. How can such a claim to be true? Buddhism is inclusive -- that's why I like that religion better.
From the outside I had a talk with Shiva. I think Shiva may have a broader mind than his miserable priests.
May the Force be with You!

In the evening it started to rain, so further walks around were a bit out of the question.
The next morning, Saturday, the worshipping of the goddess took place. This was an elaborate process, with burnings and a priest reciting shanti. Yes, peace on you too, man. I had to watch from outside - however some drops of peace were also spared on me by that priest of the apartheid Hindu religion. I don't know, if the people know what they are doing and why the are performing these rites. There was nobody to explain the hidden or maybe even symbolic meaning in the doings. However, it looked quite colourful, like the Immolation Scene in the Twilight of the Gods.
Tanka is preparing a fondue?
Of course we took also tons of pictures; they might appear later on Flickr or somewhere else. Before going down with the cable car, we saw what kind of goods they also transport - living goats, who were terrified, of course, and dragged out the cabin in a rather rude manner. Everywhere in Manakamana you can buy offerings for the goddess. For the reasons mentioned above, the goddess didn't get my offerings though.
Down we found a bus, as we were continuing to Pokhara.
We were there until Tuesday...

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Nepal (day 4-7)

Not every day is filled with activity; sometimes relaxing is the most important part of the day, or maybe some gathering
On Monday Chabbi had his wedding anniversary. We spent the day at his house, talking. relaxing and eating.Eating all the time. This time my stomach protested a bit against the local food. Also before I needed some time to get used to the hotness (of the food, the hotness weatherwise is never a problem). - Therefore i had to be very careful and not to provoke my bowel system morer than necessary. Anyway, thinking of yesterday's ayurveda alert with regard to my BMI, I have to relaise that I don't get a chance to become only 85% full; the ratio is rather 115%. When I look at the photos I like to label them: before the diet began.
Before the Big Loser circumference reduction event

The womena had arranged an outdoor, well at least on balcony dancing arrangement, but that was stopped decisevely by a big thunderstorm. We went home in a deluvial rain. - But when it is warm, it doesn't matter so much - then the rain is like taking a shower.

This is the time of marriages, as it seems. Tanka's sister has a friend who was going to have a marriage party for their friends in Kathmandu. I was alo welcome. It is strange that in these circumstances I am the exotic part. However, this again makes me like living here, because I come to places and events where nobody lese with my background comes.
On Wednesday at last I met my Facebook friend Diwash. Last year we couldn't meet, but this time we managed at last. It's always a bit strange to meet somebody whom you else have known from the virtual world only. But it was a pleasant encounter. There should be a chance to meet more often in the remaining time. Diwash also made contact to my Nepali teacher - busy Mausam. I am going to meet him in person later. The pictures with Diwash are on my Facebook account.

This is the time of the monssom. Sometimes it is raining, sometimes it is not. This condition also blocks activities, as I don't feel very much inclined to walk through muddy streets in rain.

From  Friday we will be out of Kathmandu -- to Manakamana and Pokhara.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Nepal (day 3) - Sanga and Panauti

Today is already July 12 and today I write about what we did more than a week ago. That was on - let me check the calendar, yup on July 1. It seems that relaxing occupies me totally, but now I want to maintain these recollections - also to avoid that I forgot what I experienced.
So on a beautiful sunny Sunday we started  the trip. First stop was Sanga, the place with the highest statue of Shiva in the world.

The first part of the trip is heading for Bhaktapur. From Chabalhil the road passes by Pashupati, along the airport and then to the direction of Bhakatapur. I think I remembered some of the strange "narrow" houses on that road. From Bhaktapur the road becomes somewhat steep, we enter the mountain area. I love mountains, I don't need to climb them, but I adore the majestic site. High above we see look down and see the traffic in matchbox size. That is always a nice view.

The statue of Shiva is placed so that Shiva greets already from a long distance. Kailashnath Mahadev is situated near the village Sanga. Attached to the monument is an ayurvedic center. They offer massage, different treatments and medidation. They also promise a weight loss of 4-6 kg per week. How many weeks would I have to stay there until my BMI was in the green area?? - As they say: once is not enough.
From Sanga we continued to Panauti; the street was OK and right and left appeared small villages, cottages of farmers and only very few Roadside Restaurants.
Panauti is a small city in the Panauti district. We had a look at the temples near the river, witnesses of a great past. I really like the wood-carving architecture. It combines big design with the love for details. Need to read more about all those things.

On the way back we ate overpriced momo at a restaurant close to the airport.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Nepal (day 1 and 2)

This time the way to Nepal was especially long-winded. Because of 15 hours of waiting in Qatar, day 1 and day 2 were passed and wasted in the transit lounge of Dohsa Airport.
I'm still fascinated by travelling; in the morning we border a plane and several hours later we are in a desert state. The medieval crusaders would have needed years to make the same travel and even in the time of adventure fiction à la Karl May needed several weeks, if not months to make the same journey. And now already after several hours we are in a different world.
The time there was lost and airports are not descriptive of the manners in a country. It was stunning to see how many people follow the commandments of religious clothing. Seems there are not so many land-winnings in that fashion noiwadays (Burqa-Fashion, the magazine for the modern woman...)
Another thing I just didn't understand is why the access to the mosque was through the WC. Is that for reasons of holiness?? Or for cleanliness?? Anyway, it seemed to me strange to give access to a evidently holy place, but then all cultures have their own manners.
Now is Sunday and we will visit a Shiva statue today.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Spotify - BibZoom --

Jeg er i forvejen rigeligt forsynet med musik, men der er altid noget nyt at opdage. jeg læste i morges en anmeldelse af Rudolph Simonsen (1889-1947). For mig, der er født med en nærmest uudtømmelig nysgerrighed, noget at spidse ørerne. Selvfølgelig - der er altid gang i de gamle travere, men altid skulle have en chance at blive hørt i det mindste en enkelt gang.- I gamle dage skulle jeg møjsommelig hente skiven fra biblioteket, eventuelt leve med at brugerne før mig havde brugt pladen som frisbee-skive eller morgenmads-tallerken. Eller den skulle hentes fra fjernlån, i håbet at den var tilgængeligt et eller andet sted.
I lytteklubben havde nogen fortalt om Spotify. I Klassisk læste jeg desuden om Classify - en apps som gør det nemmere at styre ens tørst på musik. Jeg var først en smule betænkeligt, da datamolokken facebook ville have fat i mine data, men jeg meldte jeg mig alligevel ind.
Og rigtigt - der var CD'en med det samme. Sønderjyllands Symfoniorkester spillede den kedelige musik på den smukkest tænkelige måde. Simonsen komponerede ikke så meget, måske har nogen fortalt ham, at det med at komponere ikke var kans stærke side. Værkerne er pæne, nydelige - og det er så det.
Jeg har næsten glemt dem allerede. Den første symfoni hedder Zion. Den første sats skildrer den babyloniske fangenskab og i andensatsen kommer bebudelsen om frelse. Mærkelig nok er bebudelsen længere end fangenskabet - og også mere interessant i mit øre.

Jeg har været nødt til at skære ned på indkøb i kulturens verden. Derfor er disse tjenester mere end guld værd. Jeg fandt da også straks  Nightingale-kvartettens indspilning af Rued Langgaards strygekvartetter. Satsen Bortkørende Tog fra hans anden strygekvartet blev særligt fremhævet.

Og på opdagelsen kom jeg også omkring min stjerne - Richard Wagner.  Som sagt, jeg følger ikke længere så meget med i nyudgivelser. Derfor vidste jeg heller ikke, at man nu kan få en indspilning af hans tidlige ouverture König Enzio.  I dag hørte jeg også først gang hans Concert-Ouvertüre nr. 2. Nu er det sådan, at man have et langt og lykkeligt liv uden nogensinde at have hørt disse værker, men de er nu alligevel en del af det store hele. Man kan retfærdiggøre indspilningen af disse Wagner-ting for historisk fuldstændighed.
IOg selvom Simonsen måske med rette er gået ind i glemmebogen, så er det godt, at man har mulighed for at høre disse værker fra anden eller tredje-divisision.
I dag smagte jeg på Langgaards strygekvartetter.

Takket være Spotify hørte jeg også Simonsens kedelige symfonier.

By the way: for min skyld kan Telia laver alle de reklamer de vil; jeg opgiver ikke mit gode TDC-abonnement.

Saayad (Nepal 2012)

Movies from Nepal are still widely unknown outside the community. This is not only because everybody outside the NP community lacks interest in these movies, but also because most of them arre not supplied with subtitles. - OK, Nepalese is easy, but you still have to learn it (and the toughest thing is to find a teacher). I know what I talk about, as most teachers run away, once they have received the money.
These problems we didn't have with Saayad, as it was subtitled.
The movie is about drugs. We follow loosely the biography of two brothers (the movie has many loose ends, threads that begin and never end). After the death of their parents, the elder brother takes care of his bhai, but the younger las is a bit of a spoiled brat. He knows that daai always will save him, no matter what he does.
The younger brother is quite good at school, but he lacks some spice in his life, so he starts using drugs. We witness how he gradually looses grip of reality and at last he lives in a world that is only accessible to him self.
The last words of the movie read: It could be your story --- and here we see the target group, Nepali youths. The film is an admonition to them not to regard drugs as a shortcut to an adventurous life.
The film has some editing flaws in the first part - before intermission - but then the director speeds up the action and saves the film.
I'll give it 6/10.
Saayad - another movie from Nepal that transcends entertainment

Upassende sociologi (4)

Jeg vender tilbage til antologien I samfundets sprækker fra 2007, denne gang læste jeg:

Kønsforvirring ? - en undersøgelse af kønsidentitet blandt transvestiter (s. 251-272) af  Dorte Raaby Andersen og Malene Frøkjær Krogsgaard

Forfatterne har kun talt med et begrænset antal personer. De åbner derfor for muligheden, at der er andre begrundelser for transvestisme. Der er transvestisme (1) som en mulighed for to personer og/eller roller, (2) som en leg og (3) some en integration af kvindelighed.(s.254)

Transvestitter passer ikke ind i den "heteroseksuelle matrice" hvor sex (biologisk køn) er lig med gender (socialt køn).
Transvestismen praktiseres af mange i det skjulte, men der er også nogle, som er åben og lever nærmest på fuld tid som transvestitter.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Jeg er Zlatan Ibrahimovic (2011)

Oversat fra Jag är Zlatan Ibrahimovic af Birgitte Steffen Nielsen, told to David Lagercrantz.

Jeg læste bogen kun fordi den var månedesn bog i Fagbogklubben. Indlæg #1
Ja, han skriver godt nok en del om respekt, bl. a, i kapitel 11, hvor han beklager den manglende respekt fra pressens side. Han huggede dette guldkorn fra en eller anden italiensk træner. -  Men hvad er der egentligt respektabelt omkring Zlatan? Han er god til at sparke til nogle bolde - det er en færdighed, der fordrer ikke særlig meget respekt i min verden. Han er også uhyggelig god til at stjæle cykler - skal man respektere ham for det også? Eller når han skal af med nogen vrede - men kan jo altid sige 'undskyld' efter det - også meget lidt respektabelt.
Jeg kan altså slet ikke holde Zlatan ud. Han er vældig stolt at sin "vrede" og når han nikker endnu en skalle eller når han som adrenalin-junkie fræser hen over de svenske motorveje.
Jeg er kommet igennem ca. 2/3 af bogen og nu synes han at det er på tide til at blive voksen. Men i stedet for at blive i sygehuset da hans lille dreng skal opereres, tager han hellere hjem for lege med sin Xbox (skal han også have respekt for det?)
Det er svært at få sympati for dette primitive menneske, endsige respekt. Måske kommer det på de sidste 100 sider.

Zlatan - en gennemført rå børste
Indlæg #2 derfra:

Nu blev jeg færdig med bogen. Det bedste er dens ærlighed. Zlatan giver et autentisk billede af sig selv, intet skønmaleri, ikke navlebeskuende. At det er svært at holde ham ud, er derimod noget helt andet.
Jeg havde hentet den fra ereolen, men der har den bare 305 sider. E-bogen må altså have en anden ombrydning.
Zlatan skriver om sin vej og opfordrer andre unge, at finde deres egen vej. Det er for så vidt godt, at han ikke giver den som rollemodel. Han medgiver, at han har gjort mange dumme ting - og det har vi rigeligt kunne bevidne. En af de ting jeg ikke kan lide er hans ubeherskede vrede. På s. 278 (fx) hedder det ligefrem: "Så skal I lade mig smadre ting i fred". - Og det er ikke nok med at nogen eller noget er "provokerede", nej, han kan også gå fra koncepterne når noget "føles provokerende". Klubben burde sende ham til et eller andet anger management kursus.
Han skriver en del om sin opvækst. Det er vel ikke Rosengårds skyld, at hans mor er hysterisk og at faren er en drukkenbold. Jeg blev ikke forundret at svenskerne prøvede at lave en underskriftsaktion imod ham. Er det ikke forståeligt, at de ikke ville have at deres unger kom hjem med brækket næse. Så skal ingen Zlatan lade som om det var en småracistisk aktion imod ham.
På den anden side skulle han ser klarere, at han ikke kom til sidst til at bebo et fængsel, fordi der hele tiden var nogen som så hans potentiale og hjalp ham ikke at være i vejen for sig selv.
Hvad tænker hans fans mon om ham som person? Synes de, at hans facon er cool?
Jeg er som nævnt før ikke den store fodbold fan og kan ikke udtale mig om spillestil osv. Men det er et positivt træk i Zlatan, at han ikke smører tyk på med sine bedrifter om alle de gode driblinger og hvad ved jeg - han fortæller måske mere om de ting, som ikke var så god. Og det understreger igen hans ærlighed.

Number One (2008)

Meet Aziz, Morocco's first ex-macho feminist!
A film from Morocco, a comedy about gender roles. That should sound interesting.
Aziz is a typical macho. He works as manager in a garment factory where he treats his - mainly female - workers in a very condescending way. He doesn't treat his wife much better. Actually he is arrogant to everybody who seems to be under his own social status. And he is servile to his boss. His free time he spends in a cafe with his friends.
One day, after a particular mean attack on her, the wife takes revenge by casting a spell on him. And then macho Aziz changes. For the first time he treats his employees as human beings. He also starts to treat his wife as partner and not as domestic servant. This starts to give him trouble with his chumps from the cafe, as he also spends increasingly more time at home. Aziz realises that something is wrong. He learns that he is under a powerful spell
He is fired from his job and at last this becomes too spooky for his wife. She confesses everything and is prepared to take the spell back, but Aziz is happy with things as they are. - At last his new way of doing things brings a big order to the factory, but the workers will only work for Aziz. he then becomes the Mam of the Year.
Of course, gender roles in an Arab society is a serious issue. Director Zakia Tahri puts his  message in a pleasant wrapping. Nice work!

Monday, May 28, 2012

La leciono

Eksavangarda klasikaĵo

Iam La Leciono estis avangarda dramo, nuntempe ĝi jam estas klasikaĵo, eĉ sukcesa, ĉar dum 55 jaroj ĝin oni ludas sur la scenejo de la eta “Teatro de la Huchette” en Parizo. La verkisto notis pri tio: “Granda sukceso en malgranda teatro estas pli bona ol malgranda sukceso en granda teatro”.

Spektantoj do eĉ post tiom da jaroj povas preni ion de tiu leciono.
Nia lecionisto estas la profesoro, malgranda oldulo kun blanka mentonbarbo. Li estas unue ekscese ĝentila, tre timida, voĉo mallaŭta pro timideco, tre deca, tre profesoreca. Li daŭre frotas al si la manojn: de tempo al tempo malĉasta brileto en la okuloj, rapide bridita. Nova lernantino anoncas sin, en griza kitelo, blanka kolumeto, tekon sub la brako. La lernantino soifas kleriĝi – ankaŭ ŝiaj gepatroj opinias, ke simpla, ĝenerala kulturo, eĉ se ĝi estas solida, ne plu sufiĉas niaepoke. La profesoro konfirmas tion: Hodiaŭa vivo iĝis tre kompleksa kaj ampleksa scio estas la vojo al sukceso.
La profesoro ekzamenas unue la scion de la lernantino en la geografia fako (Parizo estas la ĉefurbo de…?) kaj gratulas ŝin abunde, ĉar ŝi diras la ĝustan respondon: Vi konas vian landan geografion ĝis la pinto de viaj ungoj, tutparkere, ĉu ne?
La servistino eniras kaj klopodas bridi la entuziasmon de la profesoro, ŝi konsilas al li kvietiĝi: Vi pli bone farus ne komenci per aritmetiko kun la fraŭlino. Aritmetiko lacigas, eĉ nervozigas.
La profesoro ne aŭskultas, sed daŭrigas la ekzamenon (Kiom estas unu plus unu?) kaj plene kontentas pri la adiciaj kapabloj de la lernantino: Vi estas grandioza. Vi estas superba. Mi varme gratulas vin, Fraŭlino.
Sed tuj montriĝas, ke la subtrahaj kapabloj de la fraŭlino estas tre nekoheraj. Vane la profesoro klopodas klerigi ŝin: Ni havas la nombron kvar kaj la nombron tri, kun por ĉiu nombro egala kvanto da unuoj; kiu nombro estas la pli granda, la pli eta nombro aŭ la pli granda nombro? Pli kaj pli strangiĝas liaj klopodoj: Vi havas du orelojn, mi prenas unu, mi manĝas unu, kiom da restas al vi? Finfine la lernantino koncedas, ke ŝi ne povis fidi sian rezonadon. Tial ŝi parkere lernis ĉiujn eblan rezultojn de ĉiuj eblas multiplikoj.
Konstatinte ke la lernantino estas tiel malmulte progresinta pri specialaj matematikoj la profesoro ŝanĝas la fakon. Nun temas pri la elementoj de lingvistiko kaj de kompara filologio. Denove la servistino eniras kaj provas nepre malhelpi tiun parton de la leciono: la filologio kondukas al katastrofoj …
La profesoro jam komplete perdis sian antaŭan timidecon kaj plenaŭtoritate li eksplikas sian sensencan kurson pri la lingvoj novhispanaj. La lernantino fariĝas pli kaj pli malkomforta, ŝi havas dentdolorojn kaj vane ŝi provas eviti la profesoron.
Finfine ŝi submetiĝas al la frenezaj asertoj de la profesoro: Por ekscii distingi ĉiujn tiujn diversajn lingvojn, mi jam diris ke nenio pli bonas ol la praktiko… Por pli bona praktiko li trovas en sia tirkesto tranĉilon: Domaĝe, ke estas nur tiu-ĉi; sed ni provos uzi ĝin por ĉiuj lingvoj!
Kaj per praktiko la profesoro demonstras la frazon: La tranĉilo mortigas. – La leciono estas finita, jam la kvardeka de tiu tago. La servistino riproĉas la profesoron kaj li klopodas ekataki ŝin, sed du vangofrapoj sufiĉas por haltigi lin. Ili surmetas brakbendojn, kun insigno, eble la nazia svastiko. Kune ili forigas la korpon de la lernantino. Post nelonge sonoras la pordosonorilo – alvenas la 41a lernantino.
Evidente eblas kompreni tiun tekston sur diversaj niveloj. En la dramo mem Ionesco aludas al la temo. La dogmo de la profesoro estas: Nepras ne nur integri, sed ankaŭ malintegri. Tia estas la vivo. Tia la filozofio. Tia la scienco. Ionesco demonstras la malintegrigan povon de ideologioj – tio sufiĉu pri la temo.
Traduki Ionesco’n estas defio, ĉar speciale en la frenezaj elŝutoj pri lingvistika filologio estas aludoj, kiuj nur plene funkcias en la franca. Ekzemple Ionesco ludas kun la sonoj ku to, kio estas la normala vorto por “tranĉilo” (couteau), sed kio ankaŭ sonas kiel “cou tôt” (gorĝo baldaŭ). Tiam la tradukanto devas rezigni. Sed en aliaj fojoj – daŭre dum la filologia sesio – Armela LeQuint kaj Ĵak Le Puil traktis la tekston iom tro liberale. Ne eblas meti piednotojn en la teatro, do necesas trovi aliajn vortludojn kaj ŝercojn, sed la traduko devas – bedaŭrinde – esti pli pala ol la originalo. Sed la traduko funkcius sufiĉe bone sur scenejo kaj tio estas la plej grava. Jen ĝenerale bone legebla traduko de grava teatraĵo de la 20a jarcento.
Ĝi havu multe da legantoj kaj elĉerpiĝu baldaŭ.


Parsifal in Malmö

Und es begab sich, dass Parsifal gleichzeitig in Kopenhagen und Malmö, der Stadt auf der anderen Seite des Öresunds gegeben wurde. Ich habe es nicht geschafft, die Vorstellung in Kopenhagen zu erleben. Es heißt jedoch, es sei dies ein ausgiebiger Flop gewesen. Auf der Homepage der königlichen Oper fragt man sogar, ob man die Opern nicht vor derlei Vergewaltigungen beschützen kann. Ich habe diese Aufführung nicht gesehen, kann mir also keine Meinung anmaßen.
Ich war jedoch nach Malmö gefahren. Ich hatte zuvor die Übertragung vom schwedischen P2 gehört und fand es war eine gute Aufführung. Leif Segerstam hat mit dem Malmöer Opernorchester sehr gut gearbeitet und die Feinheiten der Partitur ziseliert herausgearbeitet.
Die Inszenierung war ein wenig gewöhnungsbedürftig. Die Prämisse ergab sich erst aus dem Programmheft: um 1880 hat sich eine Gruppe von Menschen mit Interesse für Wagners Werk versammelt. Sie diskutieren eingehend sein letztes Werk. Es wird so zu "Theater im Theater". Stefan Johansson versteht es als "rite de passage". Jedoch wird dieser Ansatz nicht konsequent durchgehalten. Parsifal als älterer Herr und als Kind sehen zu, wie Parsifal der Jüngling sich in Montsalvat herumtreibt. Das führt zu einigen Regie-Einfällen, aber insgesamt kommt Johansson über Einfälle nicht hinaus. Die ziemlich banale Schlussfolgerung ist: nam Ende stehen den Mitwirkenden "verschiedene Möglichkeiten" offen. (Aus diesem Grund trat Klingsor in dieser Inszenierung auch noch einmal im dritten Akt auf und gab sich ein Schattengefecht mit Titurel, so als ob es sich um Fausts Verdammung handelte.)
Thomas Mohr sang den Parsifal, angenehm wortdeutlich und kräftig. Nun ist ja Parsifal fast eine Nebenrolle in diesem Stück. Nach Noten hat wohl Gurnemanz am  meisten zu tun; leider hatte Taras Shtonda oft Probleme mit seiner Stimme über den Orchestergraben hinauszukommen. AnneLouice Lögdlund in der B-Besetzung war jedoch eine vollwertige Suppleanttin - es wirkte, als ob sie ihre Rolle ohne große Anstrengungen bewältigte.
Insgesamt war die Aufführung ein großes Erlebnis - nicht zuletzt dank der großartigen Leistung Segerstams.
Ich habe die Aufführung vom 18. Mai gesehen.
Ceci n'est pas Parsifal ...

Beton (Jakob Mathiassen)

Jeg ville ikke have læst denne bog, hvis ikke den var blevet månedens bog i fagbogklubben. Der blev den - desværre - ikke diskuteret voldsom meget.
Anbefalingerne til bogen påpeger, at man under læsnigen ofte spørger sig 'jamen er der stadigvæk sådan'. Mathiassen siger derimod, at det er blevet værre i de sidste år. Og meget tyder på, at det vil blive værre endnu hvis ikke der sker en eller form for social engineering.
Mathiassen skriver på s. 144: "Alene det, der i dag findes nye grupper af magtesløse og rettighedsløse, siger noget om, at der er gået et eller andet galt."
Er der tegn på. at det vil gå bedre?  Eller er det stadig væk som Warren Buffett sagde: There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning. (New York Times 26.11.2006)

Hvordan vil man læse bogen om 100 år? Mathiassen skriver om de ufaglærte, som samfundets bund og de faglærte som overgår til middelstand. Kan man forestille sig, at der efter Buffetts klassekrig kun er to klasser tilbage: overklassen vs. underklassen?
OK, det bliver spekulativt -- men hvordan fortsætter udviklingen, hvis ikke der sker et eller andet?
Det er godt at Mathiassen giver en stemme til dem der ellers ikke bliver hørt.Derfor er det en vigtig bog.
Beton - relevante historier fra bunden

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Voll Grass - noch'n Gedicht

Ich hatte mich mit der auf Zeilen verteilte Prosa zu befassen, von der Grass glaubte, dass es gesagt werde musste. Jetzt hat der noch'n Gedicht rausgehauen. Dieses Mal muss er seine Ansichten zu Griechenland an die große Glocke hängen. Unzumutbar sei es, den Griechen Sparen zuzumuten. Und Verständnis habe er für die Situation der Griechen. Und Europa solle doch bitte mit der Wiege der Demokratie etwas andächtiger umgehen.
Ja, gewiss kann man Sympathie für die Griechen haben - aber das muss sich nicht auf die Korruption in Staat und Gesellschaft erstrecken, oder doch? (Dann könnte ja auch Berlusconi liebenswert sein.) Nicht nur Demokratie ist ein griechisches Wort: Chaos und Katastrophe kommen auch aus dem Griechischen.
Und da soll dann wohl weiterhin munter Geld in das Land fließen, das man früher mit der Seele suchte, oder was?
Grass ist nun einmal gut im Anprangern und so langsam reicht's mir. Ich habe keine Lust mehr zuzuhören.
Das fing eigentlich schon damals an, als er glaubte, er müsse die Inder über ihre Kultur belehren. Und diesen Strang hat er dann weitergeführt, als er die Mohammed-Karikaturen als Ausgeburt westlicher Überheblichkeit sah. Da hatte sich der Großmeister im ausdauernd Rechthaben dann endlich in "Gottes Scheißhaufen" (so sein O-Ton) gesetzt.
Mittlerweile ist es genug - Günni halt endlich das Maul, sonst wirst du noch vollends zum Ratzinger der Multikulturellen.

Herr Mozart wacht auf (Baronsky)

Eva Baronsky hatte eine hübsche Idee: Was würde passieren wenn Mozart heute lebte - oder überhaupt: wie würde jemand aus dem 18. Jahrhundert heute leben. Handys, Straßenbahnen, fließend Wasser - alles wären unbekannte Größen. Auch die Sprache hat sich verändert - und (wie ein Komponist natürlich bemerkt: die Musik). Da er nun einmal ein Genie im Improvisieren kommt er ziemlich schnell in einem Jazz-Keller unter, indessen sind für seine Klaviersonaten und Konzerte keine Interessenten aufzufinden.
Das alles ist ziemlich amüsant; es ist auch eine Freude den lebenshungrigen Mozart im 21. Jahrhundert zu sehen.
Es war vergnüglich, diesen Roman zu lesen. Natürlich kann so ein Plot immer weiter gehen, deshab muss Baronsky ihn irgend wie zu Ende bringen - und das geschieht in einem kurzen, etwas brüskem und nicht ganz befriedigenden Postludium.
Davon abgesehen war es entspannend, nach längerer Zeit wieder die Muße zur Lektüre zu haben.
Ich hatte zum ersten Mal mit diesem Roman Bekanntschaft gemacht, als er in einer Veranstaltung der Bibliothek anlässlich der Übersetzung von Jacob Jonia vorgestellt wurde. Besonders interessant wurde diese Veranstaltung, weil sie auch noch musikalisch untermalt wurde. Ja doch, Bibliotheken inspirieren mich noch immer.

Wie lebt man als Genie im 21. Jahrhundert?

Apabad (2012)

Movies from Nepali are not very often shown in this part of the world. Often the language is in between, as there are no subtitles available. That's why I couldn't see the movie Loot when it was around earlier this year. Fortunately now the movie was shown with subtitles.
The movie is about a daydreamer in Kathmandu. His father wants him to follow the way of business, but he prefers to be a creative writer. At last the parents agree to send him to a school in the UK. They use all their savings and even take a loan. But then it appears that the money is lost, as the school was blacklisted. -- He tries to take his life, but is cast away on an island. Here he tries to live his own life; he manages to survive and actually succeeds to grow his own vegetables. A success, as his father predicted he would always be depending on him. But he realises that the success is only worthy of that name when he can share it.
In the meantime his parents also develop. His father realises, that the boy needed to make his own way. The parents and the boy's girl-friend to publish his writings as a manifest. The book becomes a tremendous success.
The morale of the movie is obvious, but the plot is not so simplistic as a short resume sounds. 
The movie is very nice, beautifully shot and has a message that is now more important for Nepal than anytime before.
I want to be gracious and will give it 9/10 together with unlimited praise to director Subash Koirala.
Nepali's youth between reality and hope

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Veer (2010)

This movie received bad reviews, undeservedly, I think. It tells a part of the story how India achieved independence.
In 1920 the wife of the new governor sees that the British are not very popular and she asks the stupid $1.000.000 question: Why do they hate us so much (the same stupid question that certain people asked after 9/11, but let's leave that for the moment. She is told a story about resistance and collaboration. Those who resist are called savage and uncivilized (this part is completely missing in 'Warrior of the Rainbow' who is facing a similar situation). Those who resist may be rough, but they are shown as honest. Veer, their leader to come, even goes to school in Britain. Of course he falls in love with the daughter of his worst enemy. - Veer wants to avoid a fight, but some protocol about given words, honour and karma force him to have a fight anyway. This last part is the least satisfying. Of course it may reflect the attitude of those who talk about honour and such things, but I hope that we, in general, have grown out of this attitude. It's a situation that seems to be closer to the Mahabharata than to Taras Bulba.
Anyway, the movie is nice; the story has been given some consideration and that's why it is more than the default war epic.
I will give it 6/10.
Veer has the qualities of an epic; it's about love, war and even a bit about dharma

Monday, May 21, 2012

Upassende sociologi (3)

Livet på landevejen - et sociologisk studium af vagabondkulturen af Joan Kirkebak, Henrik Urban Meyer, Gitte Hundal Mikkelsen, Anders Hess Pedersen, Anette Rodkjær, Anne Marie Bach Svendsen (s. 273-298)

Der findes tre typer af vagabonder: helårsvagabonder, halvårsvagabonder (som fravælger livet på landevejen i den kolde årstid og som også kaldes for luksusvagabonder) og markedsvagabonder, som har opgivet livet på landevejen men holder kontakten til miljøet ved lige i forbindelse med store markeder. (s. 279)
Selv om livet i fulstændig uafhængighed fremstilles som positivt, er der også slagsider: ensomhed (hunden som makker). Ved bestemte lejligheder savnes livet i fællesskabet.
Livet som vagabond bliver valgt af forskelliger årsager, gennemgående bliver skilsmisse, men også opsigelse nævnt, eller et andet brud i hverdagen. (s.285)
Vagabonder har en aflagt uniform (krav: det skal være foræret) med forskelligt pynt og en vogn (ofte en barnevogn) tilfælles. De får et individuelt øgenavn.
Der findes navngivningsceremonier. De store komsammener er på Egeskov Marked, Døllefjelde-Musse Marked og Hjallerup Marked. Vagabonderne opretholder en facade udadtil. Det er vigtigt for dem at optræde som hyggelige mennesker.
Vagabond samfundet har sine regler og deres overtrædelse fører til midlertidig udsødelse af samfundet.

Agneepath (2012)

Yes! This is how Bollywood should be - action, excitement, romance, an attractive sound track, in short: just entertainment.
The story is about Vijay. As a boy he had to witness how Kancha, the local criminal boss, had his father hanged. Now he only lives for revenge. In Mumbai he becomes an associate of Rauf Lala, who is a competing criminal. Vijay soon becomes the successor of his business empire and is ready for his final revenge. - The memory of his father gives him a strength and a power he didn't know that  he had it.
There are some nice subplots which add to the emotional appeal, the relation to Vijay's mother who doesn't approve of his revenge plans and also the relation to his sister who was born after Vijay's father was lynched. But there is also Gaitonde from the local police who knows that Vijay is basically good and who becomes a bit  a father substitute. And there was a lot of very good and subtle acting, especially from Hrithik Roshan. Sanjay Dutt enjoys being the evil Kancha,
I give it 8/10.
Agneepath -- the path of fire

War of the Arrows (2011)

This film is set during the second Manchu invasion into Korea. I was told to watch this movie, being a history buff, so I gave it a chance. It's about a warrior who knows how to shoot his arrow and who wants to save his sister. During the movie there is a lot of fighting, actually nothing but fighting. I was not always sure who was fighting against whom and for which reason and it doesn't matter very much either. There is some stuning videography when the camera follows the arrow, but that doesn't save the movie.
Is it about history? No. What was the result of this Manchu invasion? What was its impact? Were there major incidents? Nothing we learn about history. Maybe it's common knowledge in Korea?  History is just a pretext to make yet another  war movie.
It gets 3/10.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Horror in the East - BBC documentary

It is generally known that the Japanese military treated their POWs in the 2nd World War in a very cruel manner. During WWI the Japanese fought on the side of the British. The German POWs were treated quite well - many of them decided, they wanted to stay in Japan after the war. - Why the change of paradigm?

In the 19th century the West was the model - one researcher even said: Forget about Asia, follow the West. The same open-mindedness showed then crown-prince Hirohito when he was in Europe. - Japan faced an increasing population and was not able to increase the resources correspondingly. Therefore the imperialist strategy was devised (actually in imitation of the West). Japan had already occupied Taiwan and Korea.
To expand the empire, the military was expanded. A very severe inner discipline was maintained with every little mistake punished severely with punishment. In this line of brutalization the soldiers also were forced to beat and punish each other. Any opposition against this militarization was eliminated (the military had amongst others two prime ministers killed).
All Western values were ridiculed, the Japanese were portrayed as a master race. The Chinese were called chamorro as contemptuous  term, meaning that they range with insects or in any case not human beings. This is why the attack on Manchuria and even more the Nanjing massacre were executed with unprecedented brutality.
The Allies didn't reckon with the Japanese army, but the German Reich did. On September 27, 1940 the Tripartite Pact between Japan, Italy and Germany was signed. Shortly after that Japan started to occupy Northern Indochina (Viet Nam). They launched the slogan "Asia for the Asians". 
The USA did not accept this procedure and threatened to cancel the delivery of fuel. To prevent this, the Japanese military decided the surprise attack on Pearl Harbour.

The warfare in Asia was especially brutal, as surrender was not an option for the Japanese army. If they died for the divine emperor, the soldiers would have share in his divinity. Also in the US army the Japanese were dehumanised - prisoners were not taken. Even when a Japanese soldier had surrendered, he had no guarantee that his life was spared. In Life Magazine appeared a photo: a soldier had sent his girlfriend a skull of a Japanese soldier which all his comrades had signed.
Cannibalism was known in New Guinea, when the Japanese army was besieged there and they were forbidden to surrender.
On the island of Saipan many civilians committed suicide to prevent to be fall into the hands of the Americans.
March 10, 1945: Fire Storm in Tokyo.
On the island Tokashiki the civilians were urged to use kamikaze tactics against the US army.
North of Borneo  (Sandakan): hunger march of allied POWs to a Japanese base, where they were killed later to conceal war crimes against POWs.

After the war, the emperor was not put on trial. His role in the militarization of Japan is still debated, but the allies kept him as symbol of continuity.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Man on a Ledge (2011)

I saw this recently, after I started my blog, so I should make a note of this also.
Asger Leth - who is son of antellectial film-maker - has made a bad mainstrea movie. It has all the ingredients that should make a good movie: one man trying t o prove his innocence, a cop with a troubled past, but his movie completely lacks any credible plot. Nick Cassady has been framed by his ex-partner Mike  Ackerman. He is supposed to spend 25 years in jail. When his father dies, he is allowed to take part in the funeral, under heavy surveillance of the police, however he still manages to flee, police heeling after him. And he manages to enter Brooklyn and climb up to the ledge to start his master plan of revenge. He stands on the ledge - and, of course, he is not going to jump, as this would be the end of the movie. The revenge includes also Nick's brother, who is supposed to steal the diamond from Ackerman that brought Nick originally into jail.
You could fill several movies to fill in the holes of this preposterous movie. I will give it a 3/10.

Dhada (2011)

I started these notes to have some future reference for myself, but there is already a certain backlog ...
So I gave a movie in Telugu a try. Before I had limited myself to the output of Bollywood -- which alone is so big that it's impossible to keep track, even when you watch films 24 hours every day. However, I think that regional variations will enrich me also in a way.
Dhada has a confused manuscript (however the plot summary in Wikipedia is even more confused. It's a  tale about two brothers, one is good, the other one working for the Mafia. The good brother has no idea of that business associate and he spoils the that business by freeing victims of human trafficking. He wants that good brother killed, which of course is not going to happen. And of course there is some romance involved.
Naga Chaitanya is the good brother
The film is edited in a very rough manner with some raw clipping. On the other hand, the fight scenes and the songs are carefully choreographed. The songs slow down the pace of the action, so at times you ask yourself, whether this is an operetta or an action movie.
The film is however entertaining, I watched it while I was not feeling too well, so the hours just passed fast. I'll give it a 5/10.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Upassende sociologi (2)

Man læser ideelt set for at blive klogere. Nu har jeg lært om en gruppe hvis eksistens jeg havde ingen anelse om - infantilister. I antologien jeg nævnte tidligere skriver Helle Bendix Lauritzen, Stine Lyngborg og Camilla Holmskov Nellemann om Infantilister - blebørn i voksne kroppe (s. 55-79)
Det var forfatterinderne vigtigt, at de efter at have erhvervet sig intimate knowledge (et begreb som står i kontrast til guilty knowledge) ikke udstillede deres undersøgelsespersoner.
Der findes åbenbart forskellige former for infantilisme, så som voksenbaby (hvor diverse suttebarn-feticher og rollespil indgår), men også teen-baby (hvor vedkommende forsteller sig at være i teenage årene), sissy-baby (hvor en mand indlever sig i rollen som af baby af det andet køn) og også 'dyrebarn', hvor legen går ud på at være hundehvalp eller løveunge. I artiklen læsder vi dog kun om personer af kategorien voksen-baby
Fællestræk for dem allesammen er: b. a. regression og ansvarsfralæggelse. Det rummer ikke nødvendigvis et element af seksulitet, men er en stor og velintegreret del af deres personlighed (s. 62).
En sådan afvigerkarriere (deviant career kaldes det af sociologerne) starter i en alder af  7 til 10 år, hvor infantilister opdager deres fascination af babyverdenen; de opdager også at de har det anderledes end deres omgivelse og de er er klar over det potentielle stigma. Men kan kalde det en uovernstemmelse mellem deres virkelige sociale identitet (som infantilist) og den tilsyneladende sociale identitet (som 'normalt' fungerende).
I teenage årene opdages at denne lyst ikke er almindeligt; de går derfor rundt med en latent frygt for at blive opdaget, da en afsløring synes at kunne ødelægge vedkommendes liv (s. 71).
I voksnenalder bliver lysten accepteret og integreret i de vedkommendes liv; Infantilister opdager, at de ikke er anderledes end så mange andre, og [det] kan således være med til at skabe en beroligelse indadtil og samtidig et bindeled udadtil. (s. 74).
Der bliver dog spørgsmålet tilbage, hvordan denne fetich opstår. Tilsyneladende er der ingen fælles faktorer i disse personernes liv. Besvarelsen af spørgsmålet hører således hen i psykologien, ligedes som forklaringen, hvorfor der er flest mænd, der har denne lyst.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Upassende sociologi (1)

Aalborg Universitet udgav (udgiver) et tidsskrift som skulle formidle universitetets forskning til en bred offentlighed. Der så jeg en notits om denne bog, som jeg nu begyndte at læse. Bogen hedder I samfundets sprækker og handler altså om upassende sociologi.
Michael Hviid Jacobsen (red.): I samfundets sprækker. Studier i upassende sociologi - II. Ålborg 2007 [Aalborg Universitetsforlag]

Jeg begyndte med Jeppe Lyngs artikel Højreradikale biografier - fortælinger om fremmedgørelse, vrede og modstand. (s. 179-209)

Højreradikalismen findes i tre varianter: authoritarians, nationalistics og xenophobics. Den sidste gruppe gruppe er den mest radikale og Lyng fokusserer på medlemmer af denne gruppe.
Hans metode er dels interviews, dels en observationsrække. En generel vanskelighed var, at gruppen ikke ville lade sig undersøge eller opførte sig ikke som de plejer - den velkendte 'forksereffekt'.
Alligevel lykkedes det ham, at finde frem til nogle biografier:
Jens - den nationalsocialistiske rollespiller
Frida - den biseksuelle patriot
Lars - den højreradikal fodboldfan
Julie - den kvindelige Darwinist

Det var en betingelse, at de skulle have reflekteret over alternative styreformer og ikke være 'bare imod'. Lyng finder ud af:
Ensomhed og fremmedgørelse er to perspektiver, der går hånd i håmd med de højreradikales udvikling. (s. 197) I de biografiske præsentationer kan det ses, at de portrætterede på den ene eller på den anden måde har været ofre i en meget ung alder. (s.199)
Der e en socioøkonomisk slagside: familiemæsigt kommer de ofte af den nederste socialgruppe og så har de en følelse af, at samfundet tvinger dem til permanent arbejdsløshed via fordomsfuldhed eller mistro (s. 203).
Miljøet er præget af mænd. Lyng kommer også ind på Dansk Fronts Kvinder, som har en stærk anti-feministisk holdning. Disse kvidner argumenterer for at kvinder selv måvælge deres position i samfund. Det er i opposition til den opfattelse, at kvidner slet ikke skal have nogen form for uddannelse.
Konklusion: Det er ikke omkostningsfrit at være højreradikal i Danmark. (s.206) De højreradikale lever dermed i et spændingsfelt mellem egne aggressive politiske fordømmelser, samtidig med de også selv er ofre for samfundets konstante stigmatisering. (s. 207)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Avatar - Veda - Upanishad - Purana

Vishnus oplevelser som underholdning
Jeg læser lige nu en del om hinduismen. Jeg blev færdig med Arild Hvidfeldts fremstilling, som blev udgivet af Politikkens forlag for mange år siden. Bogen omfatter en del stof, men var ikke så koncist som jeg havde håbet. Mange gange hedder det bare "en tradition" eller "en anden kilde" uden at komme ind på, hvilken tradition. eller hvilken kilde. Jeg kunne have ønsket mig mere præcise oplysninger, uden at blive stenet ihjel af en lavine af navnene.
Desuden har jeg læst nogle kilder i en dansk udvalg. Samlingen hedder "Hinduisme - en splittet tradition. I dette materiale var der også trale om forbindlesen mellem religion og politik. Man bør nok medgive, at religion er i vejen for virkellige fremskridt i Indien
Så prøver jeg at forstå Upanishaderne. Det kan være vanskeligt at begribe indholdet, derfor forstår jeg overhovedet ikke, hvorfor alle oversættelser er skrevet i et forfærdeligt opstyltet sprog.  Ni upanishader indeholder samlingen, men ingen fornuftig læsevejledning. Man skal bare sælge det som 'visdomslitteratur', så skal folk nok føle sig dumt, hvis de ikke kan følge med. Jeg har bare læst en af de mindre upanishaderne på 25 vers og det tog det meste af en eftermiddag, men jeg brugte også andre oversættelser til at få en indgang. Det ser ud til at gode gamle Deussen vil blive min vademecum.
Men der er selvølgelig også en populær side - især i Indien er alt dette sagnstof en levende tradition, især fra den samling der hedder Puranas. Jeg har således også repeteret Vishnus Avatarene som tegneserie.På en eller anden måde skal stoffet nok gå ind.

Warriors of the Rainbows (2011)

I need to follow up on what I am reading and watching... So, I came across this movie and saw it. Sometimes curiosity has a high cost.
A chopped-off head of an enemy entititles you to a tatoo
The movie is about the Wushe Incident. This event may be known to specialists of Chinese history or scholars that know the history of the Japanese occupation of the occupation of Taiwan inside out, but to me it was new. History is a growing subject, the more you know of it, the bigger it grows. The movie is about The Seediq people, an indigenous people of Taiwan. Here would have been a good chance to learn something about a people, whose existence was unknown to me before. However, the only thing we really learn is, their hobby of cut off the heads of their enemies. In terms of ethnological insight this is a very insufficient result.
And the incident? We don't get any insight into the behaviour of this people. Some were obviously collaborating with the Japanese. By the way, the Japanese are portrayed as really nasty people. I am sure they behaved like that in real life and maybe even worse. The Seediq are generally called the savages, while the movie a bit follows that line - but adds the adjective 'noble', like the noble savages in Avatar - a people living in accordance with nature and all that.
The film comes in two parts, four hours of fighting and chopping off heads, sometimes aesthetically choreographed. This movie may be suited for those who love war movies -- so it was not for me, though the photography was nice. I'll give it 3/10.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Moonwalking With Einstein (Joshua Foer)

Jeg ville have læst denne bog allerede da den var månedens bog i Fagbogklubben, men dengang kunne jeg ikke få ereolen til at virke. Nu har jeg læst den 'på bog'.
Foer skriver om hukommelsen, både om dens fysiologi i hjernen og om hukommelsens historie.
At huske noget går ud på, at man skaber en stærk forbindelse mellem det man skal huske med sanselige indtryk. Skal man huske noget kedeligt, såsom tal, så skal man omsætte det til en synæstetisk oplevelse. Hvis man mindes denne, så vil man have talrækken også, Hos nogle mennesker er hjernen indrettet på en måde at de oplever det af sig selv - tal bliver til farver osv. Hos andre mennesker mangler dele af hjernen, enten fordi en emsig kirurg har skåret noget væk eller fordi en  virus har spist sig mæt af disse menneskers hjerne. Disse er selvfølgelig gefundenes fressen for hjerneforskning, da de med deres ulykke kan bidrage til at kortlægge hjernens funktioner.
I Foers hukommelspalast er der mange boliger
Foer skriver også om mnemoteknikken, sådan som den blev brugt i antikken, i en verden, som var afhængig af oral formidling. Plato lader Sokrates polemisere imod skriftligheden. Foer hentyder til ironien - i dag husker vi kun Sokrates' udfald fordi nogen gjorde sig den ulejlighed at skrive det op.
Foers fascination blev vækket, fordi hab overværede en hukommelsekonkurrence. Man fortalte ham, at han med en smule øvelse og nogle små fif også ville være i stand til at deltage i sådan en konkurrence. Bogens story-telling del beretter om hans vej til mesterskabet.
Foer kalder det for metalakrobatik. Det kan være temmelig ligegyldigt, om nogen kan fremsige så og så mange positioner af tallet pi eller gengive ordlister. Det kan være sjovt, men er næsten så underholdende som en abe der kører cykel eller en papegøje der fløjter Nattens Dronnings arie.
Det ser Foer også, derfor har han nogle overvejelser om den praktiske betydning af disse teknikker. Viden om faktuelle forhold er på retur - vi har jo Google. (Jeg mindes Espersens udfald imod 'støvede bøger' i Gotfredsens bog...)
Selvfølgeligt er udenadslæren ikke nok, hvis der mangler en forståelse hvad man skal bruge faktaerne til. Skolen idag tror, at man kan klare sig langt hen ad vejen uden kendskab om faktuelle forhold - og det er et tragisk fejlskøn. Vi skal forestille at være et videnssamfund, men PISA viser det gab der er mellem intention or præstation. Andre dele af verden, Asien især, er derimod videbegærligt.
Teknikker som dem Foer er inde på, kan muligvis gøre læringen "sjovt" for eleverne - man behøver jo ikke håbe på at alle blive god til Foers cirkusagtige præstationer. 

Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu (2012)

I almost forgot that I watched this movie also, or rather I nearly forgot to write something about it. So, here we go.
Imran Khan plays a young man who is under pressure from his father to achieve the best. When he looses his job as architect he doesn't have the stamina to tell his father. He takes sessions with a psychologist and there he runs into Riana (charmingly played by Kareena Kapoor). They spend time together during the Christmas days and after a long debauchery, they find out that they got a marriage license.They travel to India together where Rahul meets Riana's less than conventional family.
At last they cancel their marriage (why?), but Rahul now has the courage to live his own life and not that of his father.
There are some nice and funny scenes in this movie. Kareena gives her role a charming freshness (it's like what Zooey Deschanel does for the series New Girl). Imran Khan does a good job from being "tight assed" to relaxed cool young man. Nice entertainment when one has 2 spare hours. I'll give is 5/10 stars and I don't care if it was inspired by the movie What Happened in Las Vegas or not.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Map of the Sounds of Tokyo (2009)

Mapa de los sonidos de Tokyo (2009) - ein Film von Isabel Coixet.
So, dann will ich doch mal notieren, dass ich diesen Film gesehen habe. Wenn man dem Kulturbegriff des ZDFs folgt, trifft man gelegentlich auf seltsame Blüten, so wie hier. Eine Fischhändlerin, die gelegentlich als Auftragskillerin arbeitet und einen spanischen Weinhändler töten soll, weil ein Firmenchef ihn für den Suizid seiner Tochter verantwortlich macht. Banalerweise verlieben die beiden sich, die Killerin und sein Opfer, o jerum.
Ja gut, der Film hat poetische Bilder; die Geräusche, die Tokyo macht, sind vielleicht nicht so eindrucksvoll, sondern eher vulgär.
Ein Film, den Intellektuelle unter sich genießen und hervorragend finden können, bei mir gab's nur 4/10.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Traffic (2011)

It seems that I presently watch a lot of Asians movies. I never saw a movie in Malayalam before, but as I am very curious I gave this flick a chance.
It's not straightforward to find more information about this movie. In Wikipedia you have to enter Traffic (2011 film) and on IMDb I had to go through the name of the director, Rajesh Pillai, until I got more information about Traffic.
Obviously also in India these films have only a regional appeal, as they plan to make a remake in Hindi and in Tamil.
So, what did I see? A highly complex film, centering around an actual traffic accident. A boy, Raihan, is heavily injured in an traffic accident and only kept alive by a ventilatorand after some hesitation his parents consent to give his heart to the daughter of a superstar. The heart can only be transported through rush traffic. Sudevan, who had been away from service because he took bribes, volunteers to transport the heart. Rajeev who was on the bike with Raihan will accompany him.
The movie also gives us the complete history of all the person's involved - the cop who is transporting the heart; the boy who was going to work at a radio station. We also get the full history of Dr.Abel who is trying to sabotage the mission.
At first this is like separate stones of a mosaic, but at last we get the full picture.
I have never seen a picture in Malayalam before, so I took the chance to get an impression of this cinema. I'm happy that I've watched it. Exciting, engaging, bravo!
My opinion: 9/10.
Sreenivasan and Asif Ali in the fantastic Malayalam movie Traffic

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Love of Siam (2007)

Tong und Mew sind Jugendfreunde. Als Tongs Schwester von einem Ausflug aus dem Dschungel nicht zurückkommt, zieht die Familie weg. Jahre später treffen sie sich wieder. Mew ist Sänger in einer Boy-Band. Tongs Vater hat das Verschwinden der Tochter nicht verkraftet und ist Alkoholiker geworden. Mew und Tong finden heraus, dass sie vielleicht mehr als bloß sehr gute Freunde sind und dieses Gefühl verwirrt beide. Eine Betreuerin der Boy-Band hat eine auffallende Ähnlichkeit mit der verschwundenen Schwester. Sie wird Tongs Vater vorgestellt, in der Hoffnung, dass dieser sich so aus dem Alkoholsumpf retten kann. Mew und Tong haben nicht nur Gefühle für einander, sondern aus Beziehungen zu Mädchen, unerwiderte Gefühle allerdings.
Am Ende bleiben sie dennoch 'best friends' oder wie Tongg es sagt: Ich kann zwar nicht dein Boyfriend sein, aber das heißt nicht, dass ich dich nicht liebe.
The Love of Siam ist ein schöner Coming of Age Film. Es ist ein langer Film (knapp 3 Stunden), aber ohne Längen. Chookiat Sakveerakul gelingt es, die Personen so zu führen, dass wir gerne an ihrem Leben teilnehmen, obwohl die schauspielerischen Leistungen von Marco Maurer (Tong) und Witwisit Hiranyawongkul (Mew) sind in Grenzen halten. Ein Film über die Verwirrung der Gefühle, der vielleicht am ehesten für Jugendliche in einem repressiven heteronormativen Umfeld interessant sein dürfte.
Meine Wertung: 8/10
Mew (r) und Tong (l) haben Probleme bei der Definition  ihrer Freundschaft

Witch from Nepal (1985)

My experience says: better don't popular Asian film prior to 2000. This includes Hong Kong cinema I should have listened to my intuition, but I saw that there was some footage from Nepal, so I watched the movie anyway.
The film's original title is Qi yuan. It's about a couple from HK that is on a safari in Nepal. The man meets a mysterious woman who wants him to become the master of her tribe. She follows him to Hong Kong and he gets her powers., That is good, as a warrior tries to eliminate that man.
The story is told in a confusing manner, the comedy is silly, the special effects are preposterous. The acting is OK, that is the actors make the best of this nonsense.
The witch from Nepal doesn't talk very much, but when she talks, she speaks Hindi.
I give it a 2/10.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Borgen (sæson 1)

Jeg kunne ikke se serien, da den blev sluppet ud i den danske æter for første gang i 2010. Jeg havde ikke TV dengang. Nu skal man imidlertid gøre hoveri til statskanalen, bare man har en computer. Man kalder denne form for triktyveri medielicens, hvis inddrivelse varetages af statskanalens drabanter og stikker. Den tidligere underholdningsminister Mikkelsen begrunder det med, at man også kunne finde på at modtage tv-signaler med sin pc. Hvis man vil modtage tv-signaler , så køber man oftest et fjernsyn, hvis man vil blive fri for x-faktor og lignende møgfade, så bruger man nettet til orienteribg om forholdene i verden. Og hvis man vil have premium-iundhold, så bruger man bruger-id og login -- færdig. Dette er en retfærdig løsning og ikke til at gøre alle dem med en pc eller et mobiltelefon til guldæsler.
Men dengang kunne jeg altså ikke se denne drama-serie fra DR. Den blev imildlertid vist på BBC4 i begyndelsen af året og så fulgte jeg med. Man bør nok vise en vis interesse for hvad der bliver produceret af drama og lignende her i landet, selvom det er et produkt af DR.
Borgen gør altså politik til underholdning - og der er sådan set intet i vejen med det. Vi følger Danmarks første kvindelige statsminister. Hun bliver valgt, dels fordi hun sluger en del stemmer og dels på grund af heldige taktiske manøvre. Hun går med ildhu til sagen, hun har etikken og idealismen med sig, men hurtigt må hun sanse, at den daglige gang på Christiansborg også kræver en del kompromiser undervejs.
Hendes spindoktor er mester i at lægge kabaler og at få dem til at gå op. Han mestrer den halve sandheds kunst, medens hans eget liv hviler på et komplet løgn med en meget sminket biografi. Han han en eks-kæreste indenfor TV1 (den eneste station man ser for alvor). Og i denne station vil man hellere læver et indslag om at kærnemælk er udsolgt i sommerperioden end rapportere om sult i Afrik a.
Pressen kendes kun sun sladderspøjter à la Ekstrabladet. TV1 tænker mest i seertal og gode overskrifter.
Statsministerens spindoktor Kasper var engang kæreste med en fyrig journalist. Hun ser sig som en slags kædehund hvis højeste ønske er, at redaktionssekretæren tager halsbåndet af hende. Også hun får studset singe vinger undervejs.
Alle personer har også et privatliv, og det gør dem til runde karaktere. Jo, det er godt fjernsyn - spændende og vedkommende. DR har suppleret med et undervisningstilbud, som giver indblik i "det virkelige liv" på Christiansborg.
Det ville imidlertid være endnu bedre TV hvis det var frivilligt, om jeg ville se det og betale for det... I biografen skal jeg kun betale, hvis jeg går ind og løser en billet. Med en medielicens skulle jeg også betale hvis jeg kommer forbi selve beygningen.
Statsministerens spin-doktor er glat indtil det slimede
Efter Borgen havde BBC4 Montalbano, lige nu gælder det Broen, som jeg heller ikke så i første omgang. Af en eller anden grund er briterne lige nu "vilde" med dansk drama. Og det er også godt nok. I det mindste viser de det som det er og ikke som remake à la The Killing.