Saturday, April 11, 2020

Vores lille by (1954, Henning Ørbak)

Ligegyldig hvad nogen smider på marked hedder nu om dage "filmperle", eller endnu værre "perle fra den danske filmskat". Denne tynde omgang nøjes med at være bare en filmperle.
Den lille by er strengt taget bare en klynge huse med nogle ualmindelig frustrerede beboer. Bygden er knyttet til den øvrige verden med et lille tog. En solrig eftermiddag bliver vagabonden Laust ansat som togbetjent. Da ha bosætter sig i samfundet, vækker han det erotiske begær i nogle kvinder. Han er mest interesseret i ung kød. Da han beruset forveksler sin elskede med lærerens kone, kommer der lidt mere gang i handlingen. (Ja, det går nok heller ikke i vores metoo-tid, bare at tager en kvinde i mørke.)
Mændene er nok også erotisk underforsynet. En varm sommerdag er holdet på jernbanen nødt at stoppe toget for at belure piger, som tager et bad. Handlingen er usammenhængende, mere som enkelte situationer og den ender meget brat med et happy ending.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Binti (2029, Frederike Migom)

Another view thanks to the generous decision of the Film Festival of Aubagne to make entries of the main competition available online.
Usually I don't watch many films for young viewers. This was a charming exception. Binti makes a serious problem understandable and relevant for young viewers. Binti is an illegal alien in Belgium. In other words: she lives, but she doesn't exist. She was born in Congo, but her father brought her to Belgium right after her birth. So they run away, as soon as they see a police agent. Binti meets Elias, a boy with a divorced mother. Wouldn't it be a perfect  match, if Binti's father and Elias' mother became a couple? Things get complicated, when a jealous neighbour denounces them to the police.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Fritzi - eine Wendewunderrgeschichte (2019, Matthias Bruhn / Ralf Kukula)

Es scheint, dass viele Jugendliche heute nicht mehr wissen, was 1989 vorgefallen. Fall der Mauer in Berlin? War da eine Mauer? Für viele Jugendliche ist Geschichte heute kein Schulfach mehr. Kein Wunder, dass wir eine Generation Doof haben.
Diese Wendewundergeschichte ist kindlich und niedlich aufgemacht. Fritzi lebt in Leipzig. Im Sommer 1989 kehrt ihre beste Freundin nicht mehr aus dem Urlaub in Ungarn zurück: sie ist mit ihren Eltern nach Westdeutschland geflüchtet. Langsam beginnt sie, sich für ihre Umwelt zu interessieren. Ihr wird klar, dass etwas faul ist im Arbeiter-und Bauernstaat. Benni, ein Non-Konformist, hilft auf dem Weg der Erkenntnis.
Dies ist ein Kinderfilm. Es wird sofort deutlich, wer gut und böse ist. Die Geschichte der beiden Freundinnen wird in den zeitgenössischen Kontext eingebaut. Der Film ruft direkt nach einer didaktischen Aufbereitung in der Klasse. Ich meine, dies ist ein gelungener Kinderfilm. Die Handlung ist ansprechend. Es kann allerdings sein, dass sich Fritzi nicht gegen die mächtige Anleime-Konkurrenz behaupten kann. Es wäre schade.
Großen Dank an das Filmfestival in Aubagne, das diesen Film zugänglich gemacht hat.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

De Patrick (2019, Tim Mielants)

This blog has been orphaned again; I have promised myself to write more and shorter memos. I hope, I will eventually defeat my laziness.
Before all a big THANK YOU or rather MERCI BEAUCOUP to the Film Festival in Aubagne, who generously opened the films in the main competition for online viewing. Maybe I can be there next year for real and not just online.
De Patrick  is a  kind of deadpan existentialist comedy. It is up to the viewer to make the ends meet.
In the first shot we see a bulky middle-aged man floating as "dead man" in a lake. Patrick is relaxing. He is janitor in a naturist camping. While everybody greets Patrick, he is avoiding eye contact. Patrick is already 38 years and still living with his parents, a blind mother and a very sick father. The condition of the father gets worse and he dies eventually. At this time Patrick discovers, that a hammer is missing from his set of tools. Patrick is actually a gifted carpenter and designs chairs. - Instead of sorrowing, Patrick tries to find that tool. The father is gone for good, but he might be able to retrieve the hammer.
Of course the guests in the naturist camp are naked. Nudity does not create equality among the guests at this site. This place with naked people is far from being a restoration of lost nature or paradise. On the contrary, they are scheming and plotting. Especially Herman sees a chance to get his fingers at the site.
Nudity in De Patrick is not at all erotic, but rather a functional gimmick to make the story work. This is a genre-bending coming of middle age film, which is absolutely worth a watch.