So I have disappeared for some time. I managed not to write anything during October and November. I thought I should, for that's the meaning of a blog anyway, but then the thought didn't materialise.
It has been a period of stagnation and swimming like a fly in milk, hoping that I would eventually walk on butter.
I have kept myself busy with courses from Coursera. I just loved the course about Greek and Roman Mythology (and finished the course with distinction). There is still the course about Global History, to which I should dedicate even more time - the back log of lectures is getting impressive. -- So here is sort of a new start.
It has been a period of stagnation and swimming like a fly in milk, hoping that I would eventually walk on butter.
I have kept myself busy with courses from Coursera. I just loved the course about Greek and Roman Mythology (and finished the course with distinction). There is still the course about Global History, to which I should dedicate even more time - the back log of lectures is getting impressive. -- So here is sort of a new start.